Having the patience to remain committed to a long-term financial portfolio can be challenging when markets are volatile. The amount of daily information that an investor can be bombarded with can cloud thoughts, feelings and decisions around investing. Our wealth management services focus on the information that matters while ignoring what doesn’t. We work with Raintree Wealth Management and a deep bench of global sub-advisors that face portfolio construction, capital preservation and risk management decisions with logic rather than emotion.
Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental analysis is a method of determining the intrinsic value of a security through the analysis of economic and financial factors. At the heart of fundamental analysis is studying anything that can affect the security’s value, from regulatory changes, macroeconomic conditions such as the state of the economy and industry factors, to microeconomic factors such as a company’s management, and ability to continuously innovate, etc.
Through all of this analysis, the goal is to determine what the company should be worth relative to its current market price.
Tactical Asset Allocation is an active investment strategy that will tilt the weighting of a portfolio, or a portion of a portfolio, to take advantage of market pricing anomalies that often exist for only short periods of time, or sectors that are expected to outperform in the short term. Through short-term overweighting in sectors, our wealth management team seeks to create value by exploiting these opportunities.
Cash and cash equivalents remain one of the best tools to protect your portfolio from downside risk. Cash and equivalents are made up of securities that have very low risk, and very low return. When equity valuations are expensive, you will often see cash allocations in portfolios rise. This is typically done to manage risk in the event of a material market correction. When the markets have a sell off, the cash balances will typically be reallocated to purchase equities that have become more attractively priced due to a correction.
Absolute Return
Absolute return investments are seeking to earn positive returns regardless of any benchmark or market movement. The goal with an absolute return is to earn positive returns through any market cycle, up or down. Absolute return investments are typically considered uncorrelated to other market activities.
https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/absolutereturn.asp, https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cashandcashequivalents.asp
Denis Bisson is an Associate Portfolio Manager at Raintree Wealth Management
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